Clean Indoor Air

What is indoor air pollution?

We spend much of our time indoors. The air that we breathe at home, work, and in schools can affect our respiratory health. Indoor air pollutants include chemicals, gases, and living organisms like molds, and pests. Some pollutants are especially harmful for children, the elderly, and those with sensitive lungs and respiratory health issues. 

Indoor air pollutants can cause serious health problems and may trigger allergies, worsen asthma and cause long-term respiratory conditions. Some individual pollutants in high concentrations, such as carbon monoxide, are extremely dangerous and can even cause death. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer overall.

Do you have an indoor air quality problem?

  • Do you sneeze and cough?
  • Do you wake up congested or with a headache?
  • Do you often have an irritated throat, nose, or eyes?
  • Are symptoms more common in a certain area?
  • Do you have frequent asthma attacks or respiratory infections?

How can you improve air quality in your home?

  • Do not allow smoking indoors
  • Control moisture to eliminate mold
  • Reduce dust to control dust mites
  • Eliminate pests (rodents and cockroaches)
  • Test for radon and fix any problem
  • Use environmentally friendly household products and cleaners
  • Ventilate when using cleaning products and chemicals
  • Regularly inspect and repair heating systems (furnaces, wood stoves, water heaters, and fireplaces)
  • Install an alarm that detects carbon monoxide
  • Keep it smoke-free
  • Keep it dry
  • Keep it clean
  • Keep it safe
  • Keep it pest-free
  • Keep it chemical-free
  • Keep it radon-free
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